What follows is directly from the google docs 'publish this' function
A midi sequencer which takes elements from classic 80's step equencers from the likes of roland and arp, with editing functions derived from more recent computer based systems.
Transform - stretch or compress the time span of a given amount of notes,
length - alter the length of selected notes
scale - stretch or compress the span of notes across the scale
rotate - not to be confused with the rotate function on the mam sq 16 this would allow the rotation of notes as represented on a grid around a point specified by the user.
All changes to the scale can be either free (resulting in non-western scales) or snap to various grids enable to usage of normal scales
quantizing of timing and pitch are essentially treated the same way, as two axis on a graph. and process applied to timing can be applied to pitch or scale.
ability to select two patterns and automatically create a set number of patters in between representing a 'morph' between the two pattern shapes.
random pattern generation - random notes and random timing independant of each other.
History. each time a pattern is changed, the original is saved making it possibl eto step back to any point in the composition
Tags:: the ability to add user defineable tags to patterns and time markers, for example, intro, verse, chorus etc, makes searching musch easier.
modular sequencer - no set amount of channels, modular sequencing. Joining patterns horizontally means they play at the same time, vertically they play after each other. adding a number to the pattern in the display repeats it by that many times
rather than have two different views like in ableton, have everything on a traditional timeline with user assignable sections (markers, tags) which would serve the same purpose as scenes in ableton
allowing smart rating of patterns by importance based on time spent listening and editing. a heraldic system of pattern colouring making it easy to trace a patterns history
plug in patches navigable through patterns- you set the sound at pattern level, meaning that when you change the pattern, the preset changes.
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